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Latest news:

We’re taking the guesswork out of going electric

The SEC is calling for volunteers to test a new digital planner to help households go electric.

My Efficient Electric Home founder gives top tips for saving money this winter

'Victorians could save a fortune if they turned off their gas heating and used reverse-cycle air conditioners to heat their homes instead' says energy expert Tim Forcey

Renewable investment leader Simon Corbell to chair SEC board

The Victorian Government has announced the appointment of our independent board of directors, chaired by renewable energy industry leader Simon Corbell.

Sparky adds value to his business with a solar qualification from TAFE

Joe Gauci was 16 when he joined the original SEC as an apprentice electrician in the Latrobe Valley.

Happy outcome for Victorian sparky who helps people electrify and save money

Mornington Peninsula business owner Trent Jones has seen vast changes in his industry since starting out as an electrician 18 years ago.

From devastation comes hope – and a new, energy-efficient school

It’s not only reduced energy bills but also made the whole school more comfortable.

All-electric homes open up a world of diverse career opportunities

“It feels good to be part of an industry that’s part of the solution. To know we are contributing in a small way to something that is so much bigger than us.”

Electrical apprenticeship sparks a career in solar for Madi

“Solar is such a growing industry, and I feel like it’s going to be the way of the future”

Switching to electric means sustainability and comfort

Meet Matt from Ballarat, who slashed his annual gas bill by $1,500 after switching to electric heating.

Efficiency retrofit saves thousands in energy bills

Energy efficiency consultant Richard and his wife took a staged approach when they began retrofitting their home.

Engineering student discovers a career in renewables and doesn’t look back

Su-Yong Oh hadn’t considered a career in renewable energy until he began working as a project control assistant on the Melbourne Renewable Energy Hub.

SEC invests in one of the world’s biggest battery projects

We’re investing $245 million in the Melbourne Renewable Energy Hub (MREH), a major milestone in our plans to deliver renewable, affordable and reliable energy for all Victorians.

SEC strategic plan to accelerate Victoria's renewable energy transition

The new SEC will put power back in the hands of Victorians by investing in renewable energy generation and storage, supporting households to go all-electric, and building the renewable energy workforce we need to drive Victoria’s energy transition.

Developing the renewable energy workforce of the future

The SEC Energy Jobs and Skills Forum welcomed more than 300 industry and community leaders to share insights to help inform the SEC Centre of Training Excellence and the Victorian Energy Jobs Plan.

Energy upgrades deliver a feel-good bonus

When Claire and her wife began upgrades to reduce their power bills, they discovered other unexpected advantages.

Students consider renewables careers at Gippsland energy summit

Helping the environment and their communities are key motivators for these young Gippsland students considering a career in renewable energy.